A Manifesto for the Theatre
My name is Jordan Rosin. My life purpose is to create physical theatre that stirs people’s souls so that they are moved. This movement is essential to facilitating the transformation of our simultaneously growing and broken world.
The type of movement which my brand of physical theatre evokes can be subtle such as the physiological catharsis of seeing butoh or as extreme as an audience-participatory dance party. These movements are necessary for both healing and growth. We are in an epoch of low emotional intelligence, marred empathic skills, and sedentary physical existence. These instances of movement, whether internal or external expand the expressive and empathic capacity of both audiences and artists alike such that we can more easily envision and pursue both healing and growth in communion with others and with awareness of our own bodies, mind, and spirits and their latent potential.
The physical theatre and “stirring” which generates these movements is characterized by “wow” moments, appropriately framed with consideration to the viewpoints of tempo, duration, repetition, kinesthetic response, shape, gesture, spatial relationship, architecture, and topography. The stirring must also inherently contain “story” as defined by an introduction, hinge, and resolution (however micro or macroscopic) and must somehow be rooted in “real life”, however fantastical or stylized. Above all, this work of the physical theatre must be undertaken with sincerity such that my intention as artist has the resonant vitality to actually effect change.