Sunday, June 17, 4pm – 6pm
Special Community Butoh Class with Guest Instructor: Jordan Rosin
(in cooperation with Butoh SF & their Community Sunday Butoh Class)
Sliding Scale: $15-$20 NTAFLOF
ALL LEVELS, pre-registration recommended but not required
To register, e-mail jordan@jordanrosin.com and use the Secure PayPal link: paypal.me/JordanRosin/20
Jordan Rosin is a physical theatre artist, teacher, director and performer belonging to the third generation of the avant-garde movement form Butoh. His main butoh teachers are Joan Laage, Vangeline, & Tetsuro Fukuhara, though he has trained with numerous others including Yoshito Ohno, Ko Murobushi, Katsura Kan, Diego Pinon, and Daiichiro Yuyama. Jordan was a co-founder & Producing Artistic Director of the NYC-based physical theatre ensemble, The Ume Group from 2011-2016; has been a frequent collaborator with the butoh company Ren Gyo Soh; and is creator of DREAM DANCES™. He is currently pursuing an MFA in Ensemble-Based Physical Theatre at Dell’Arte International in Humboldt County, CA where he organized the first-ever Humboldt Butoh Festival in January 2018. Jordan’s butoh classes incorporate elements of Body Ritual Movement, Tokyo Space Dance, and the Subbody Butoh Method along with related modalities like noguchi taiso, Alexander Technique, yoga, voice, contact improv/acrobatic partnering, and shamanic ritual. For more information, visit: www.jordanrosin.wordpress.com / @JordanRosin
455A Valencia St San Francisco
between 15th and 16th
1 block from 16th St Mission BART Stop