I’ve been astonished this week by how many wonderful opportunities I’ve seen in my Facebook and IG feeds this week to dance, flow, train, and otherwise keep moving with a sense of community during the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak and all the self-isolating / social distancing that’s come with it. That’s why I decided to create a list of all the opportunities I’ve seen here to share it with those who might be struggling.
I’ve also updated my annual list of US Butoh Training Opportunities to include some recently added Online Butoh Classes.
Synchronous (Live) Events
- Soma Co offers affordable Alexander Technique-based somatic movement / physical training group classes 11am EST Monday through Saturday, as well as private coaching with experienced teacher Joe Krienke.
- #socialdistancedancein is being held daily via Zoom by @aadmkrbl.
- @BillingsleyMovement (Actors Studio teachers Kate & Michael Billingsley) on Instagram is hosting periodic tutorials on their #BillingsleyMovementSeries, a wonderful sequence of movements inspired by yoga, martial arts, and designed to be easily performed in a confined space.
- @Pilobolus is periodically hosting a 30-minute PiloboFIT class on Live on Instagram
- @mizudesierto is regularly demo-ing some beautifully relaxing noguchi taiso exercises on their IGTV channel.
- @LoomYoga in Brooklyn, NY (where I did my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training) has moved all its classes online to Zoom (featuring regular appearances by my teacher Ambyr D’Amato and many others)
- @jrosinyoga and @rengyosoh are hosting 30-minute Butoh classes on IG Live every Monday at 3pm EST / 7pm GMT.
DancingAloneTogether.org also has an amazing list of over 30+ dance classes each day, streamed via a variety of platforms including IGTV, Zoom, Instagram LIVE, and YouTube.
Asynchronous Events
- #ADigitalDance is a weekly Creative Challenge hosted by @Pilobolus and @JacobJonastheCompany for dancers and non-dancers alike.
- Nicole Greenberg has recorded some great, beginner-friendly Quarantine Yoga videos (available free on YouTube)
- @elizabethscollanyoga has also uploaded an energizing full-body flow yoga to YouTube

Do you know of others you’d like to see added to this list? Make a comment and share with the world. Remember to keep on #physicaldistancingsocialconnecting