“Celebrating Empty – A Full Moon / Winter Solstice Butoh Workshop with Jordan Rosin”
Friday, December 21, 7pm – 10pm (3 hours)
Saturday, December 22, 2pm – 6pm (4 hours)
at Synapsis Nova, 212 G Street, Suite 102, Eureka, CA 95501
Saturday, December 22, 2pm – 6pm (4 hours)
at Synapsis Nova, 212 G Street, Suite 102, Eureka, CA 95501
Friday night will feature a somatic journey of relaxation and awareness, coupled with exploration of the Japanese concept of ‘ma’ (間 – the space between things). We’ll finish with some free-dancing on some thematic prompts.
Saturday will feature more partner-based relaxation and awareness work including a Yoga Nidra meditation led by guest instructor Jeffrey Balinsky, followed by play with Butoh Dance techniques new and old and the devising and performance of group and solo dances to celebrate our new-found emptiness and the potential therein.
- Friday ONLY – $35 ($30 Early Bird / Synapsis Collective Members / DAI Students)
- Saturday ONLY – $50 ($40 Early Bird / Synapsis Collective Members / DAI Students)
- BOTH Days – $85 ($70 Early Bird / Synapsis Collective Members / DAI Students)
Last day for EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT is November 30.
Limited work-trade available. To inquire, e-mail jordan@jordanrosin.com
To register, e-mail jordan@jordanrosin.com and pay using the secure PayPal links below:
- Friday ONLY – $35 (here) / $30 (here)
- Saturday ONLY – $50 (here) / $40 (here)
- BOTH Days – $85 (here) / $70 (here)
Jordan Rosin is a physical theatre artist and teacher, specializing in Butoh Dance. He also draws on yoga, clowning, and acrobatics to create theatre and dance events with popular and poetic resonance. Jordan was co-founder & Producing Artistic Director of the The Ume Group (NYC) from 2011-2016; is a frequent collaborator with Ren Gyo Soh; and creator of DREAM DANCES™. He received his BFA in Drama from Syracuse University and is currently pursuing an MFA in Physical Theatre from Dell’Arte International. Select past projects include the internationally award-winning Butoh Medea, Butoh Electra, Isis Variations, and Facet. www.jordanrosin.wordpress.com
Ankoku Butoh (暗黒舞踏- “dance of utter darkness”) is a style of dance and philosophy of creating total theatre which originated in Japan in the mid twentieth century. It is often marked by grotesque imagery and taboo themes. Now a largely international movement, an emergent aim of the work for many twenty-first century practitioners is the revelation of tacit knowledge hidden in the body and a sort of self-realization brought about by “piercing the mask” of our socialized everyday behavior. Butoh training can therefore promote great physical endurance and expressiveness, spiritual consciousness, and creativity.
“I would love to offer you even something as tiny as a grain of sand. If only I could succeed in doing that, then I might fulfill my longing to share a part of my life with you. Isn’t it worth risking one’s life to offer something as microscopic as that tiny single grain of sand chosen from amidst countless millions? Take great care at all times. Even the most infinitesimal detail of the slightest gesture you make should be executed with loving care. It’s never too late to start.”– Kazuo Ohno, from Kazuo Ohno’s World: From Without & Within
“How lucky am I that I got to participate in your incredible life changing workshop… Thank you… for your rare generosity, open heart and powerful guidance. It was a true honor to share the space with you and allow myself to explore deeper parts of my inner world.”
– Hanna-Lee Sakakibara (Los Angeles, CA)
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