Coming Soon: Summer Workshop Tour 2018 (USA)

Coming Soon: Summer Workshop Tour 2018 (USA)

Photo by Jorge Luna.

Dear Friends, Fans, and Physical Theatre Enthusiasts,
I’m excited to announce that this summer I will embark upon my first multi-city workshop tour of the USA, visiting major cities on both coasts to teach butoh, yoga, acrobatics, and physical theatre for performing artists and the general public.
The tentative tour schedule is below, but still under development. Therefore if you or someone you know is interested in helping to co-produce or promote a workshop, or in adding a new stop, or in otherwise supporting this endeavor feel free to e-mail me at (To that end, please also feel free to peruse and share my complete 2018 workshop catalogue and CV.)
Summer 2018 Tour Stops (as of 5/31):
Los Angeles, CA – June 11 – 14
Teaching “Resonant Bodies: Butoh Dance & Movement Workshop for Actors” (more info)
San Francisco, CA – June 17
Teaching a special community Butoh class in cooperation with ButohSF (more info)
New York, NY – (approx. July 20 – August 5)
Engaged in ensemble research with STREB Extreme Action Company.
Teaching “Resonant Bodies: Movement Workshop for Performers” (more info).
Baltimore, MD – (approx. August 7 – 8)
Workshops tbd.
Richmond, VA – August 10
Teaching “Butoh Dance: Alchemy of the Spirit” Workshop (more info)
Seattle, WA – (approx. August 14 – 18)
Workshops tbd.
Portland, OR – August 16 & 17
Teaching “Resonant Bodies: Butoh / Movement Workshop” (more info)

Stay tuned for an official announcement of specific workshop offerings and more detailed registration information.
Help spread the word! Hope to see you on my tour!

Jordan Rosin is a physical theatre artist and teacher, specializing in Butoh Dance. He also draws on yoga, clowning, and acrobatics to create theatre and dance events with popular and poetic resonance. Jordan was co-founder & Producing Artistic Director of the The Ume Group (NYC) from 2011-2016; is a frequent collaborator with Ren Gyo Soh; and creator of DREAM DANCES™. He received his BFA in Drama from Syracuse University and is currently pursuing an MFA in Physical Theatre from Dell’Arte International. Select past projects include the internationally award-winning Butoh Medea, Butoh Electra, Isis Variations, and Facet.