Blog Articles
- “The Art & Craft of Intimacy Direction” by Holly L. Derr on HowRound Theatre Commons, https://howlround.com/art-and-craft-intimacy-direction.
- “Bringing Identity to Intimacy: A Conversation with Adi Cabral” by Ann C. James on HowlRound Theatre Commons, https://howlround.com/bringing-identity-staged-intimacy.
- “Defining Consent: From FRIES to CRISP!” on IDCProfessionals.com, https://www.idcprofessionals.com/blog/defining-consent-from-fries-to-crisp.
- “The Pillars of Intimacy in Production” on IDCProfessionals.com, https://www.idcprofessionals.com/blog/the-pillars-of-intimacy-in-production.
- “What is an Intimacy Director or Coordinator?” on IDCProfessionals.com, https://www.idcprofessionals.com/blog/what-is-an-intimacy-director-or-coordinator.
- “Why Every Production Should Hire an Intimacy Director” by Ruthie FIerberg on Playbill, https://www.playbill.com/article/why-every-production-should-hire-an-intimacy-director.
- The Journal of Consent-Based Performance [https://www.journalcbp.com/]
- The Journal of Dramatic Theory & Criticism, Vol. 34, No. 1, Fall 2019 [https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/41934] (Special Issue on Intimacy, edited by Joy Brooke Fairfield)
Journal Articles
- Fairfield, Joy Brooke. “Introduction: Consent-Based Staging in the Wreckage of History.” Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, vol. 34 no. 1, 2019, p. 67-75. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/dtc.2019.0023.
- Pace, Chelsea “The Certification Question” The Journal of Consent-Based Performance, vol 1, no. 1, 26 Jan. 2022, https://doi.org/10.46787/jcbp.v1i1.2808.
- Rosin, J. “Re-Imagining Commedia As An Antiracist Practice through ’The Artful Token’: A Creative Practice-As-Research”. PARtake: The Journal of Performance As Research, vol. 5, no. 1, Dec. 2022, doi:10.33011/partake.v5i1.1447.
- Shawyer, Susanne and Kim Shively. “Education in Theatrical Intimacy as Ethical Practice for University Theatre.” Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, vol. 34 no. 1, 2019, p. 87-104. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/dtc.2019.0025.
- Villarreal, Amanda Rose. “The Evolution of Consent-Based Performance:” Journal of Consent-Based Performance, vol. 1, no. 1, California State University, Office of the Chancellor, Jan. 2022, pp. 5–23, doi:10.46787/JCBP.V1I1.2811.
- Busselle, Kate and Hannah Fazio. “Windows into Revolutionary Recovery: Check-Ins, De-Roling, and Debriefing Practices for Rehearsal and Performance.” Theatre/Practice: The Online Journal of the Practice/Production Symposium of the Mid America Theatre Conference, vol. 12, 2023, http://www.theatrepractice.us/pdfs/Busselle-and-Fazio-Revolutionary-Recovery.pdf.
- Shows
- Intimacy Choreography in Conversation by Ann James & Carly D. Weckstein [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
- Gender Euphoria by Nicolas Savard [Spotify | Howlround] (see suggested episodes below)
- Episodes
- “Theatrical Intimacy with Kim Shively” on The Systematic Stage [Spotify]
- “Gwen Walker: Theatrical Intimacy and Alexander Technique tools for the Voice Studio” on The Visceral Voice [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
- “Queer-Trans Intimacy Work: Cracking Gender Open” with Raja Benz & Joy Brooke Fairfield on Gender Euphoria hosted by Nicolas Savard [Spotify | Episode Transcript / Webpage on Howlround]
- “Queer-Trans Intimacy: One Foot in the Academy and the Other in the Nightclub” with guests Raja Benz & Joy Brooke Fairfield on Gender Euphoria hosted by Nicolas Savard [Spotify | Episode Transcript / Webpage on Howlround]
- “Making Space: Consent, Collaboration, and Queer Access Intimacy” with guests J.C. Pankratz and Emmett Podgorski on Gender Euphoria hosted by Nicolas Savard [Spotify | Episode Transcript / Webpage on Howlround]
- “Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Sex Onscreen” with guest Adelaide Waldrop on Into It: A Vulture Podcast with Sam Sanders [Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
- “Staging Black Intimacies” with Kaja Dunn on Daughters of Lorraine hosted by Jordan Ealey & Leticia Ridley [Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Episode Transcript / Webpage on Howlround]
- “Intimacy Direction w/ Claire Warden & Teniece Divya Johnson” published by New York Theatre Workshop on YouTube [https://youtu.be/XIN7dh_M-6I]
- “The 411 on Intimacy Coordinators” published by SAF-AFTRA on YouTube [https://youtu.be/JvwKkwcDBec]
Theses & Dissertations
- Barclay, Kari. DIRECTING DESIRE INTIMACY DIRECTING, CONSENT, AND SIMUATED SEXUALITY ON THE CONTEMPORARY U.S. STAGE (Dissertation). Stanford University, 2020, http://purl.stanford.edu/mh364dr0854.
- Campanella, Tonia Sina. “Intimate Encounters; Staging Intimacy and Sensuality” (Thesis), Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006, https://doi.org/10.25772/8F5Q-C215.
- Cobb, Morgan, “Choreographing Closeness: The Effects of Intimacy Choreography Best Practices in Educational Theatre” (2022). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2020-. 989. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd2020/989
- Steinrock, Jessica Renae. Intimacy Direction: A New Role in Contemporary Theatre Making. (Dissertation). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2 Dec. 2020, https://hdl.handle.net/2142/109390.
- Burns, Adam, et al. GUIDELINES FOR ENGAGING INTIMACY DIRECTORS FOR LIVE PERFORMANCE. https://www.intimacyforstageandscreen.com/uploads/1/3/1/5/131581092/guidelines_for_engaging_an_intimacy_director_in_live_performance_v8.pdf. Accessed 19 Dec. 2022.
- GUIDELINES FOR ENGAGING INTIMACY COORDINATORS IN TV / FILM. https://www.intimacyforstageandscreen.com/uploads/1/3/1/5/131581092/guidelines_for_engaging_an_intimacy_coordinator_v8.pdf.
- SAG-AFTRA Standards and Protocols for the Use of Intimacy Coordinators. https://www.sagaftra.org/files/sa_documents/SA_IntimacyCoord.pdf
Paid Resources
If your interest is peaked and you’ve got some money to invest, here are a couple paid resources on Theatrical Intimacy:
- Staging Sex by Chelsea Pace [Book available on Routledge & Bookshop]
- Theatrical Intimacy Education Workshops: https://www.theatricalintimacyed.com/workshops-digital
- Intimacy Coordinators of Color Workshops: https://www.intimacycoordinatorsofcolor.com/training
- Intimacy Directors and Coordinators Workshops: https://www.idcprofessionals.com/workshop
This list is a work-in-progress last revised on 5 October 2023.
For more on Jordan Rosin’s services as an intimacy director, choreographer, and consultant, visit: http://jordanrosin.net/intimacy/