What the Washington Post SHOULD Have Said About Trump's Hamilton Tweets

In an article published on Saturday, November 19, 2016 entitled “Why Trump gets theatre completely and utterly wrong” Washington Post theatre critic Peter Marks said that ““Safe” theater is dead theater.” While this may or may not be true from the esoteric standpoint of people within the theatre community (good theatre is thought-provoking, risky, and not necessarily “safe” by political standards) saying so does not help promote the value and potential of theatre to a non-theatre going audience. CLICK TO READ MORE.

A Manifesto for the Theatre

My name is Jordan Rosin. My life purpose is to create physical theatre that stirs people’s souls so that they are moved. This movement is essential to facilitating the transformation of our simultaneously growing and broken world………………. Click to read more.

Ahimsa in the Echo Chamber: How We're Hurting Ourselves on Social Media

Many people are still unaware that certain social media sites, like Facebook use a complicated computer algorithm to control what appears in your news feed or home page. Basically, you see more of what you’re expected to like and less of what you aren’t. This is designed to encourage you to engage with and continue spending time on their platform and has obvious advantages for them. The more time you spend on their site or app, the more impressions their advertiser’s ads get and the more money the company makes. However, one of the most interesting and unanticipated effects these algorithms have had is what some are calling the “echo chamber.”

Ayurvedic Cleansing for Butoh Dance

Butoh is a creative philosophy and post-modern dance style originating from post-WWII Japan. Many approaches to butoh dance involve the embodiment & channeling of spirits; spirits of the living, of the dead, spirits of animals, plants, people, events. Ayurveda, the “science of life”, is an ancient & contemporary medicinal science developed in India. Chief among its interests are the digestive system as it relates to the overall health of every day people. Ayurvedic cleanses can therefore be very useful in opening the pathways of the body for qualia (life signals necessary for butoh dance) to flow.

Physical Theatre Tutorials

Can’t see these videos in your e-mail client or RSS reader?  Click here to watch the playlist on YouTube.

I created these tutorials in my last year as Producing Artistic Director of The Ume Group. Huge thanks to Yokko and Clara Kundin for helping me film them. Enjoy!

Hijikata: “A pre-made dance…”

“I’m convinced that a pre-made dance…is of no interest. The dance should be caressed and fondled; here I’m not talking about a humorous dance but rather an absurd dance…it is a mirror which thaws fear.”

-Tatsumi Hijikata