Tag: <span>yoga</span>

Coming Soon: Summer Workshop Tour 2018 (USA)

I’m excited to announce that this summer I will embark upon my first multi-city workshop tour of the USA, visiting major cities on both coasts to teach butoh, yoga, acrobatics, and physical theatre for performing artists and the general public.
The tentative tour schedule is below, but still under development. Therefore if you or someone you know is interested in helping to co-produce or promote a workshop, or in adding a new stop, or in otherwise supporting this endeavor feel free to e-mail me!

Commentary on the Yoga Sutras – 1:2 "Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind."

Yoga — yes, that bendy Indian exercise regimen — is about much more than looking good in your Lululemon yoga pants, touching your toes, or even getting up into a handstand. That may take some people by surprise, but its critical for elevating the fitness craze taking the western world by storm into anything more than Crossfit for hippies. It’s benefits don’t just end with your body, but are actually primarily directed towards your mind, spirit and soul.

Ahimsa in the Echo Chamber: How We're Hurting Ourselves on Social Media

Many people are still unaware that certain social media sites, like Facebook use a complicated computer algorithm to control what appears in your news feed or home page. Basically, you see more of what you’re expected to like and less of what you aren’t. This is designed to encourage you to engage with and continue spending time on their platform and has obvious advantages for them. The more time you spend on their site or app, the more impressions their advertiser’s ads get and the more money the company makes. However, one of the most interesting and unanticipated effects these algorithms have had is what some are calling the “echo chamber.”