The Artful Token
Nov. 6-8; 13-15 at 8 p.m. – live online event
Click here for free registration.
Created and performed by Courtney Bailey, Samuel Frye, Grace Georgo, Catherine Klepic, Christopher Payne, Kainen S. Phillips, Brenna Resto, Ale Rocha, & Abigail Smedley, based on a concept/canovaccio originally adapted by Jordan Rosin from Carlo Goldoni’s La Vedova Scaltra (“The Artful Widow”).
Produced and directed by Jordan Rosin
in collaboration with Fabio Motta & Devair Jeffries
“The Artful Token” is a contemporary commedia-style adaptation of Carlo Goldoni’s ”La Vedova Scaltra” (“The Artful Widow”) created by a team of nine Virginia Tech undergraduate actor-creators in collaboration with School of Performing Arts Teaching Fellow, Jordan Rosin, and guest artist, Fabio Motta.
The story follows Rosie, a gifted, Black university sophomore student, whose major is — as of yet — undecided. She is being courted by four department heads, who are unfortunately as much interested in filling a diversity quota as in her skills. With the help of friends, Rosie hatches a scheme to expose the department heads’ true intentions while finding her way.
The show contains themes of racism, sexism, intersectionality, and tokenism.
This production is supported in part by a College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences (CLAHS) International Initiatives Small Grant; as well as an ATME Innovation Fellowship from the Association of Theatre Movement Educators [atmeweb.org], the premiere organization of and for theatre practitioners who specialize in physical training.
Content Warning:
Commedia dell’Arte is a centuries-old comic art form that is largely improvised and uncensored in its delivery. Performances may contain body-based humor, profanity, stylized violence, or themes that may be inappropriate for younger viewers. Furthermore, this show contains discussion & representation of racist and sexist language and behavior.
Technology Recommendation/ Participation Notes:
This is a minimum to no-participation live performance event on Zoom. Any opportunities for participation which may arise are entirely optional. For the best experience, please use the most up-to-date version of Zoom and view the presentation on a laptop or desktop computer in “Gallery View” with “Hide Non-Video Participants” enabled. Please keep your camera turned off unless otherwise prompted and stand by for instructions/invitations regarding your microphones.