US Butoh Training Opportunities 2019
Here’s a list of Butoh Dance and Butoh-inspired training opportunities – festivals, workshops and ongoing classes in the United States throughout the year 2019. The list is broken down into 1) Festivals and 2) Workshops and Ongoing Classes. The workshops and classes are organized alphabetically by state, then chronologically for events within a given state.
If you know of something that’s not on this list and should be, send me an e-mail at jordan@jordanrosin.com
- February 22 – March 3: Butoh College – Winter Semester (Portland, OR)
- April 19 – 21: Boston Butoh Festival (Boston, MA)
- April 26 – May 5: Asheville Butoh Festival (Asheville, NC)
- May 1 – 4, 25-31: Butoh Non Festival (Chicago, IL)
- October 10 – 20: NY Butoh Institute Festival (New York City, NY)
Dates TBA
- Seattle Butoh Festival (Seattle, WA) [fall date tba]
- SOAK A Stream of AcTs and Training, CAVE/Leimay (Brooklyn, NY)
Workshops and Ongoing Classes
Workshops / Intensives:
- 9/14: Yoga Butoh Dance Connection: Creative Movement in Nature Workshop (Fayetteville, AR)
Ongoing Classes:
- Most Sundays, 4pm – 6pm: Community Butoh Class, Butoh SF (San Francisco, CA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 3/2: “Exploring & Expressing our Roots through Butoh Dance” Lecture/Workshop with Jordan Rosin at Humboldt State University (Arcata, CA)
- 6/10 – 6/13: Resonant Bodies: Butoh & Devising Workshop with Jordan Rosin and Yokko (Los Angeles, CA)
- 8/11 – 8/16: Dance Workshop: Butoh & Bharatanatyam with Hiroko Tamano & Eva Soltes, Harrison House (Joshua Tree, CA)
- 9/7, 14, 21, 28: Hiroko Tamano Butoh Class Series (San Francisco, CA)
- 10/5 – 10/6: Ankoku-Butoh Workshop with Harupin-Ha Dance Theater (Los Angeles, CA)
- 10/11 – 10/13: Butoh Workshop with Natsu Nakajima, UCLA (Los Angeles, CA)
- 10/12: Butoh Workshop with Shinichi Iova-Koga (Berkeley, CA)
- 11/2 – 11/3: Bridging Life & Studio: Moving Deeper with Shoshanna Green (San Francisco, CA)
- 11/2 – 11/3: Ankoku-Butoh Dance Workshop with the Harupin-Ha Dance Theatre (Los Angeles, CA)
- 11/25: Butoh Workshop with Dance Maestro Mushimaru Fujieda, Japan Foundation (Los Angeles, CA)
- 12/7 – 12/8: Ankoku-Butoh Dance Workshop with the Harupin-Ha Dance Theatre (Los Angeles, CA)
- 12/28: Butoh Dance Workshop with Jordan Rosin (Los Angeles, CA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 10/4 – 10/6: Body Ritual Movement Workshop with Diego Piñón, The Starhouse (Boulder, CO)
For most up-to-date info, visit: www.syzygybutoh.com
Workshops / Intensives:
- 10/12 – 10/13: Butoh & Movement Workshop with Yokko, Vibrance: Centre for Voice & Movement (Atlanta, GA)
- 11/16 – 11/17: Resonant Bodies Workshop with Jordan Rosin, Vibrance Centre for Voice & Movement (Atlanta, GA)
Ongoing Classes:
- Sundays, 12pm – 2pm: Butoh Body Weekly Classes, Outerspace (Chicago, IL)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 5/1 – 5/4: Yuko Kaseki: Frontier in Body Butoh Workshop, Butoh Chicago’s Butoh Non Festival (Chicago, IL)
- 5/25 – 5/31: Tadashi Endo: Hautnah Butoh Workshop & Student Performance, Butoh Chicago’s Butoh Non Festival (Chicago, IL)
For the most up-to-date info, visit: butohchicago.com
Ongoing Classes:
- Mondays, 7pm – 9pm: Butoh Class with Ellen Godena (Cambridge, MA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 4/20 – 4/21: Frontier in Body: Butoh Workshop with Yuko Kaseki, part of the Boston Butoh Festival (Boston, MA)
New York
Ongoing Classes:
- Sundays, 6pm – 8pm: Community Butoh Class with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
- Some Thursdays, 8pm – 10pm: Ren Gyo Soh Weekly Class w/ Yokko (Brooklyn, NY)
- Butoh as Ghostly Practice with Jacquelyn Marie Shannon (Brooklyn, NY)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 1/3 – 1/5: LEIMAY LUDUS Winter Intensive: Exploring Hijikata’s butoh-fu (Brooklyn, NY)
- 2/1 – 2/2: Butoh & Movement Workshop with Yokko, Ren Gyo Soh (New York, NY)
- 2/15 – 2/17: Butoh: The Crucible of Mind & Body with Vangeline at Zen Mountain Monastery (Brooklyn, NY)
- 2/21 – 2/24: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 3/30: Butoh Masterclass with Dai Matsuoka, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 4/11 – 4/14: Butoh Workshop with Moeno Wakamatsu, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 5/3 – 5/19: LEIMAY LUDUS Lab and Performance Collaboration with Butoh Dancer Tadashi Endo, CAVE (Brooklyn, NY)
- 5/24 – 5/26: LEIMAY LUDUS Lab with Butoh Dancer Zach Fuller, CAVE (Brooklyn, NY)
- 6/4 – 6/9: LEIMAY Summer Intensive with Ximena Garnica, CAVE (Brooklyn, NY)
- 6/27 – 6/30: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 8/19 – 8/25: Maureen Fleming Intensive: Creative Process (Oneonta, NY)
- 9/5 – 9/8: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline: Mastering the Mind-Body Connection, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 10/10: Noguchi Taiso: Butoh Workshop with Mari Osanai, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 10/19: Masterclass with Eri Chian, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 10/20: Masterclass with Tove-Elena Nicolaysen, NY Butoh Institute (New York, NY)
- 11/1 – 11/2: Routledge Companion to Butoh Symposium (Workshop with Shinichi Iova-Koga) (New York, NY)
- 11/16: Transformation Workshop with Ren Gyo Soh (New York, NY)
- 12/14: Butoh: The Crucible of Body & Mind with Vangeline, Zen Center of New York City (Brooklyn, NY)
North Carolina
Ongoing Classes:
- None currently scheduled. For the most up-to-date info, visit: www.ashevillebutoh.com
Workshops / Intensives:
- 1/26: Improvisation into Performance with Zach Fuller, Asheville Fringe Arts Festival (Asheville, NC)
- 3/3 & 4/7: Aspects of Butoh Workshop with Julie Becton Gillum, Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
- 4/27 – 4/28: Butoh Workshop with Yuko Kaseki, Asheville Butoh Festival (Asheville, NC)
- 5/4 – 5/5: Workshop with Mari Osanai, Asheville Butoh Festival (Asheville, NC)
- 7/7: Butoh & The Senses with Jenni Cockrel, Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
- 09/01: Butoh & The Senses with Jenni Cockrel, Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
- 10/06: Element & Landscape: October Butoh Workshop, Jenni Cockrell / Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
- 11/3: Exploring Liminality: November Butoh Workshop, Jenni Cockrell / Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
Ongoing Classes:
- Mondays, 7pm – 8:30pm: Butoh Foundations, Meshi Chavez (Portland, OR)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 2/22 – 3/3: Butoh College – Winter Semester, Water in the Desert (Portland, OR)
- 4/10 – 4/21: Butoh College – Spring Semester, Water in the Desert (Portland, OR)
- 8/2 – 8/4: SUMMER DANCE FARM RETREAT with Mizu Desierto (Portland, OR)
- 10/4 – 10/6: FALL HARVEST FARM DANCE RETREAT with Mizu Desierto (Portland, OR)
- 10/24 – 10/27: Butoh Workshop with Natsu Nakajima, Water in the Desert (Portland, OR)
- 11/14 – 11/17: Butoh/Noguchi Taiso Workshop with Mari Osanai, Water in the Desert (Portland, OR)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 11/2: Ma 間: Devising Physical Theatre with Butoh & Viewpoints with Jordan Rosin (Norfolk, VA)
Ongoing Classes:
- Mondays, 7:15 – 9:15pm: Monday Butoh Training Workshop Series, Daipan Butoh (Seattle, WA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 10/18 – 10/20: Natsu Nakajima Legacy Workshop, Daipan Butoh (Seattle, WA)
For the most up-to-date info, visit: daipanbutoh.com, Teatro de la Psychomachia, Butopia.net