US Butoh Training Opportunities 2020
Here’s a list of Butoh Dance and Butoh-inspired training opportunities – festivals, workshops and ongoing classes in the United States throughout the year 2020. The list is broken down into 1) Festivals and 2) Workshops and Ongoing Classes. The workshops and classes are organized alphabetically by state, then chronologically for events within a given state.
If you know of something that’s not on this list and should be, send me an e-mail at jordan@jordanrosin.com
Online Opportunities
Ongoing / Weekly Classes
- Some Sundays, Zoom or IG Butoh / Noguchi Taiso Classes with Asheville Butoh Collective
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9am – 10am EST: Butoh Dance with Juju Alishina on Zoom (Paris, France)
- Mondays 3/23 – tbd, 3pm EST / 7pm GMT: IG Live Butoh Class with Jordan Rosin & Yokko (Instagram Live @jrosinyoga / @rengyosoh)
- Fridays, 2:30pm – 3:30pm EST: Zoom Butoh-Somatics Inspired Wiggle Session with Margherita Tisato (website)
- Saturdays, 1pm – 2:30pm EST: Butoh: Deconstruct the Darkness with Shinichi Iove-Koga / inkBoat
- Saturdays, 1pm – 2:30pm EST: CR Butoh Sessions on Zoom with Divine BrickArtist / Raze the Whitebox
- 5/1 – 5/3: Power of Imagination Workshop with Minakso Seki
- 5/1 & 5/3: Beltane Butoh + Noguchi Taiso, Asheville Butoh Collective
- 5/8 – 5/10: Power of Imagination with Minako Seki
- 5/9 & 9/10: Online Butoh Dance Workshop with Marlène Jöbstl
- 5/30 & 5/31: Yumiko Yoshioka Online Workshop, hosted by Water In the Desert (WITD)
- 6/8 – 6/13: Resonant Bodies: ONLINE Butoh Performance Intensive with Jordan Rosin & Yokko
For even more Online Training Opportunities in English, see my blog post 2020 Online Butoh Training Opportunities in English.
In-Person: Festivals
- April 1 – 26: Butoh College (Portland, OR)
- April 22 – 26: Boston Butoh Festival (Boston, MA)
Dates TBA
- Seattle Butoh Festival (Seattle, WA) [fall date tba]
- SOAK A Stream of AcTs and Training, CAVE/Leimay (Brooklyn, NY)
- Asheville Butoh Festival (Asheville, NC)
- Butoh Non Festival (Chicago, IL)
- NY Butoh Institute Festival (New York City, NY)[fall date tba]
In-Person: Workshops and Ongoing Classes
Workshops / Intensives:
- None currently scheduled.
Ongoing Classes:
- Sundays, 4pm – 6pm: Community Butoh Class, Butoh SF (San Francisco, CA)
- 1/4 – 3/28, Saturdays, 12-3pm: Tamano Butoh at the Winery (San Francisco, CA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 1/20: Butoh & Movement Workshop with Yokko (Los Angeles, CA)
- 4/8 – 4/12: Body Resonance Workshop with Yumiko Yoshioka, SFButoh (San Francisco, CA)
- 6/8 – 6/12: Resonant Bodies: Butoh & Devising Workshop with Jordan Rosin & Yokko (Los Angeles, CA)
- 6/8 – 6/12: Resonant Bodies: Butoh & Physical Theatre Performance Intensive with Jordan Rosin & Yokko (Los Angeles, CA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- None currently scheduled.
For most up-to-date info, visit: www.syzygybutoh.com
Workshops / Intensives:
- None currently scheduled.
For most up-to-date info, visit: www.vibrancecentre.com
Ongoing Classes:
- Sundays, 12pm – 2pm: Butoh Body Weekly Classes, Outerspace (Chicago, IL)
- 1/1 – 1/22, Wednesdays, 6:30pm – 8:30pm: Butoh X Resolutions (class) with Cyan X aka Holly Chernobyl, Outerspace (Chicago, IL)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 2/1: Butoh X Resolutions (workshop) with Cyan X aka Holly Chernobyl, Outerspace (Chicago, IL)
For the most up-to-date info, visit: butohchicago.com
Ongoing Classes:
- Mondays, 7pm – 9pm: Butoh Class with Ellen Godena (Cambridge, MA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 4/23 & 4/24: Body Resonance Workshop with Yumiko Yoshioka, Boston Butoh Festival (Boston, MA)
- 4/25 & 4/26: Noguchi Taiso Workshop with Mari Osanai, Boston Butoh Festival (Boston, MA)
New York
Ongoing Classes:
- Sundays, 6pm – 8pm: Community Butoh Class with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
- Thursdays, 1/30 – 4/18, 7pm – 9:30pm: Ren Gyo Soh’s 8-Week Butoh/Movement Training Course (New York City, NY)
- Various dates/times: Butoh as Ghostly Practice with Jacquelyn Marie Shannon (Brooklyn, NY)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 1/24 – 1/26: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
- 1/31 – 2/2: Leimary LUDUS Winter Intensive: Exploring Hijikata’s butoh-fu, Leimay Cave (Brooklyn, NY)
- 2/28 – 3/1: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
- 3/27 – 3/29: Butoh Workshop with Sankai Juku Dancer Dai Matsuoka, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
- 6/18 – 6/21: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
- 9/3 – 9/6: Butoh Workshop with Vangeline, NY Butoh Institute (New York City, NY)
North Carolina
Ongoing Classes:
- None currently scheduled. For the most up-to-date info, visit: www.ashevillebutoh.com
Workshops / Intensives:
- 1/5: Reflective Butoh Practice for the New Year, Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
- 3/1: Noguchi Taiso & Butoh Workshop with Julie Becton Gillum, Asheville Butoh Collective (Asheville, NC)
Ongoing Classes:
- Mondays, 7pm – 8:30pm: Butoh Foundations, Meshi Chavez (Portland, OR)
- 1/8 – 3/11, Saturdays, 12-1:30pm: Bodies of Water with Mizu Desierto, WITD (Portland, OR)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 2/21 – 2/23: Butoh Workshop with Meshi Chavez, Meshi Chavez (Portland, OR)
- 3/15: Butoh Workshop with Joan Laage, Alan Sutherland, & Sheri Brown, WITD (Portland, OR)
- 4/22: Earth Body Medicine (Herbalism, Qigong, Butoh Workshop) (Warren, OR)
Workshops / Intensives:
- 2/23: Butoh Immersion with Shuzu Homma (Philadelphia, PA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- None currently scheduled.
Ongoing Classes:
- Mondays, 7:15 – 9:15pm: Monday Butoh Training Workshop Series, Daipan Butoh (Seattle, WA)
Workshops / Intensives:
- None currently scheduled.
For the most up-to-date info, visit: daipanbutoh.com, Teatro de la Psychomachia, Butopia.net