Category: <span>Articles</span>

Flowchart for Aristotelian Plot Analysis (Tragedy)

Here’s a handy flowchart I created back in 2018, when my MFA cohort at Dell’Arte International was devising our original tragedy, Citizens of Nowhere. It can help you determine whether the plot of a play you’re reading, writing, or devising is “simple” or “complex”, contains recognitions or reversals of various kinds, and/or otherwise conforms or diverges from some of the classic dramaturgical structures which Aristotle articulated in his Poetics. 

Book Review: 'Practice As Research in the Arts…' by Robin Nelson

Recently I finished reading an amazing book entitled Practice As Research in the Arts: Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances (2013), edited by Robin Nelson. Full of global perspective; academic, yet accessible in its tone, this book is an essential read for artists interested in research or academics interested in creative practice.

Beyond Representation

Throughout history, it has been the fashion of the performing arts to represent things. Through a minimum or maximum of necessary brush strokes, an artist seeks to convey the nature of a thing through signifiers which their audience will recognize. This recognition is powerful and not to be overlooked.