Commedia Masks for Sale!

Commedia Masks for Sale!


Commedia Masks for Sale

$100 USD each or $175 USD for both + shipping from Blue Lake, California.
These commedia half-masks are made from paper-mache, spackle, gesso, and acrylic paint. They are sealed on the inside and outside to protect them from sweat and humidity. They are designed to fit most faces and the fit can be easily altered by the wearer with the use of foam padding.
These masks designed and created by Jordan Rosin are inspired by the designs of his mask teacher Bruce Mars and intended to play as zanni, or lower-class servant types in the theatrical form known as Commedia Dell’Arte.
To order one or both masks or for any questions, e-mail or call (206) 719-2341.

About the Mask Maker

Jordan Rosin is a physical theatre artist and teacher who has been hand-making paper mache Commedia masks since 2010. His mask teachers include Stephen Cross and Bruce Mars. In 2019, he is traveling to Bali to study Balinese wooden mask-carving techniques.